
March 2016

Look Years Younger Without Surgery


facial-sliderAre You Embarrassed By Your Ugly Skin and Sick of Looking Older Than Your Friends ... ?

When was the last time you had a real good look at your face...? I’m not talking about a quick glance when you’re putting your makeup on or brushing your teeth. I’m talking about a long hard look at your bare skin...NO MAKE-UP, just plain skin!

You will be horrified to see that the face you thought you had, isn’t even there anymore. Wrinkles are showing, pores are large, possibly a bit of acne scarring as well, the dreaded pigmentation spots and worst of all your skin is dull and lifeless. If the thought of leaving the house without make-up makes you break out in a hot sweat, then I have got the solution for you.
Microdermabrasion is the solution to your problems!
Effective on all skin types, after each Microdermabrasion treatment your skin will be glowing with health, revitalized and more youthful.
Microdermabrasion will help all of the following:

  • • Revitalizes Dull Skin,
  • • Re-Hydrates and Replenishes;
  • • Treats Sun-Damaged Skin,
  • • Reduces Enlarged Pores,
  • • Softens or Erases Fine Lines,
  • • Reduces and Softens Wrinkles and Acne Scars,
  • • Treats Hyper Pigmentation (mild pigment irregularities),
  • • Treats Age Spots.

It has no side effects and will leave you with a beautiful healthy glow, just like the Hollywood celebrities.

Mint Chocolate Macaroons

Makes 2 dozen

  • 2 cups powdered sugar, sifted
  • ¼ cup unsweetened cocoa powder, sifted
  • 5 egg whites
  • ¼ cup chopped chocolate mint candies (such as Andes)


  1. Heat oven to 350°F. Line a baking sheet with parchment and spray with nonstick cooking spray.
  2. In a stand mixer with a whip attachment, whip egg whites until soft peaks form. Slowly add sugar, a half-cup at a time.
  3. Next, add cocoa powder at low speed,
  4. then fold in chopped candies using a rubber spatula.
  5. Transfer batter to a piping bag—no tip needed. (You can also use a large zip-top plastic bag with a corner snipped off.) Pipe out quarter-sized mounds of batter on the baking sheet.
  6. Bake until macaroons are puffed to about double their size and a crisp shell has formed on top (12 to 15 minutes).
  7. Remove from oven, release from parchment and cool to room temperature.

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